Half Day Study Skills Workshop for IB Students: “IB Study Spark: Igniting Academic Brilliance in Half a Day!”

Welcome to the “IB Study Spark: Igniting Academic Brilliance in Half a Day!” workshop, a dynamic and focused program tailored specifically for International Baccalaureate (IB) students. In just a few short hours, participants will embark on an intensive journey aimed at enhancing their study skills and unlocking their academic potential within the rigorous IB curriculum.
Throughout this half-day workshop, IB students will engage in targeted sessions, interactive discussions, and practical exercises designed to address the unique challenges and demands of the IB program. From mastering time management techniques to developing effective study strategies for IB subjects, every aspect of successful study habits will be explored to equip students with the tools they need to excel in their IB studies.
As participants immerse themselves in this enriching experience, they will gain valuable insights, strategies, and resources to optimize their academic performance and succeed in the IB program. With a renewed sense of confidence and purpose, students will be empowered to navigate the complexities of the IB curriculum with ease and achieve academic brilliance. Join us as we ignite the spark of academic excellence and embark on a journey of growth and achievement in just half a day!


  1. IB Curriculum Understanding: Ensure students have a comprehensive understanding of the IB curriculum structure, requirements, and assessment criteria.
  2. Time Management Mastery: Introduce effective time management techniques tailored to the demands of the IB program to help students balance their workload and optimize study sessions.
  3. Subject-Specific Study Strategies: Provide targeted study strategies for key IB subjects, including approaches to research, essay writing, and exam preparation.
  4. Critical Thinking Development: Foster analytical and critical thinking skills essential for success in IB assessments and the Extended Essay.
  5. Effective Note-Taking Techniques: Teach students how to take clear, concise, and organized notes during lectures and reading assignments to aid comprehension and revision.
  6. Research Skills Enhancement: Equip students with advanced research skills necessary for undertaking the Extended Essay and other IB research-based assessments.
  7. Revision and Exam Preparation: Provide strategies for effective revision, exam preparation, and managing exam stress to optimize performance in IB assessments.
  8. Peer Collaboration and Support: Promote peer learning opportunities and collaboration to deepen understanding, exchange ideas, and build a supportive learning community among IB students.

As the “IB Study Spark: Igniting Academic Brilliance in Half a Day!” workshop comes to a close, we celebrate the dedication and engagement of our IB students in enhancing their study skills and academic readiness. Through targeted sessions and practical exercises, participants have gained valuable insights and strategies to excel in the challenging IB curriculum. As they return to their studies, we encourage them to apply the skills they have acquired, embrace challenges with confidence, and continue striving for excellence. With determination and perseverance, they are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the IB program and achieve academic brilliance.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 12 PM
Fees: SGD$489.97 (NO GST)
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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