60 Minutes Speed Reading Course for Corporate Professionals: “Quick Read: 60-Minute Speed Reading for Corporate Mavericks”

Welcome to “Quick Read: 60-Minute Speed Reading for Corporate Mavericks,” an intensive and efficient speed reading course tailored specifically for busy corporate professionals. In today’s competitive business landscape, where information flows rapidly and time is a precious commodity, the ability to read quickly and effectively is essential for staying ahead. This 60-minute course is designed to equip corporate mavericks with the essential speed reading techniques and strategies needed to navigate through vast amounts of information swiftly and efficiently. Whether you’re a seasoned executive, a rising manager, or an aspiring entrepreneur, “Quick Read” offers a dynamic and results-driven approach to enhancing your reading skills.
In just 60 minutes, participants of “Quick Read” will embark on a focused journey to unlock their speed reading potential. Led by experienced instructors with a deep understanding of the demands of corporate life, this course will cover essential speed reading principles such as skimming, scanning, and minimizing subvocalization. Through interactive exercises and practical demonstrations, participants will learn how to increase their reading speed while maintaining comprehension and retention. “Quick Read” is specifically designed to fit seamlessly into the busy schedules of corporate professionals, offering maximum value in minimal time.
Furthermore, “Quick Read” is not just about speed; it’s about empowering corporate professionals to make the most of their reading time and extract actionable insights from the vast amount of information they encounter daily. By mastering the art of speed reading, participants will gain a competitive edge in their professional endeavors, allowing them to stay informed, make strategic decisions, and drive business success with confidence. “Quick Read” is the ultimate solution for corporate mavericks who are eager to optimize their productivity and effectiveness in today’s fast-paced business world.


  1. Introduce Essential Techniques: Familiarize corporate professionals with fundamental speed reading techniques such as skimming, scanning, and minimizing subvocalization to increase reading speed while maintaining comprehension.

  2. Enhance Comprehension: Improve participants’ comprehension abilities through targeted exercises and strategies aimed at deepening understanding and retention of information.

  3. Optimize Time Management: Provide practical tips and tricks for managing time effectively during reading sessions, enabling participants to integrate speed reading into their daily routines and maximize productivity.

  4. Boost Confidence and Motivation: Foster a sense of confidence and motivation among participants to continue practicing and refining their speed reading skills beyond the course.

  5. Promote Lifelong Learning: Empower corporate professionals to set personalized reading goals and track their progress, fostering a commitment to continuous learning and growth.

  6. Encourage Application in Professional Settings: Equip participants with strategies for comprehending and synthesizing complex information encountered in their respective fields, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions and drive business success.

As “Quick Read: 60-Minute Speed Reading for Corporate Mavericks” draws to a close, we celebrate the progress and achievements of each participant. In just 60 minutes, you have embarked on a focused journey to unlock your speed reading potential and enhance your effectiveness as a corporate professional. The techniques and strategies you have learned during this course will not only help you read faster but also improve your comprehension and retention of information. By integrating speed reading into your daily routine, you will be better equipped to stay informed, make strategic decisions, and drive business success with confidence. Congratulations on your dedication to professional development, and may your newfound skills empower you to thrive in the fast-paced world of corporate leadership.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$389.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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