Our Memory Training Courses is available in Bandar Seri Begawan, Kuala Belait, Seria, Tutong, Bangar, Jerudong, Lumapas, Bukit Sawat, Muara, Mentiri, Kampong Ayer (Water Village), Kampong Gadong, Kampong KiulapTungku Beach. 

Welcome to the “Full-Day Brain Empowerment” course, a comprehensive memory training program meticulously designed to empower senior citizens in Brunei with enhanced cognitive function and memory retention abilities over the course of one full day. In this intensive session, participants will delve into a wide array of memory enhancement techniques, mnemonic devices, and cognitive exercises tailored specifically to address the unique cognitive needs and challenges faced by senior citizens. With a focus on practical strategies and interactive learning experiences, this course aims to equip senior citizens with the tools and knowledge necessary to optimize their cognitive health and overall well-being, fostering a proactive approach towards brain empowerment and mental vitality in their golden years.


  1. Provide senior citizens in Brunei with a comprehensive memory training course during the “Full-Day Brain Empowerment” session, aimed at enhancing memory retention and cognitive function over the duration of one full day.
  2. Equip participants with a diverse range of memory enhancement techniques, mnemonic devices, and cognitive exercises tailored specifically to address the unique cognitive needs and challenges faced by senior citizens.
  3. Offer practical strategies to improve memory recall, concentration, and mental clarity, empowering senior citizens to overcome common memory lapses and cognitive decline associated with aging.
  4. Foster metacognitive awareness among participants, enabling them to monitor and regulate their cognitive performance effectively throughout the full-day session, enhancing their ability to adapt memory strategies to various everyday tasks and challenges.
  5. Provide opportunities for cognitive stimulation and mental engagement through interactive exercises, puzzles, and memory games designed to promote neuroplasticity and brain health among senior citizens.
  6. Cultivate a supportive learning environment where senior citizens can share insights, experiences, and best practices related to memory enhancement techniques with their peers, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.
  7. Offer personalized guidance and feedback to participants, addressing individual cognitive weaknesses and optimizing learning outcomes within the duration of the full-day course.
  8. Empower senior citizens to take proactive steps towards cognitive health and memory improvement, encouraging them to incorporate learned techniques into their daily routines for sustained brain empowerment and well-being.
  9. Provide resources and support for continued practice and reinforcement of memory enhancement techniques beyond the full-day course, enabling senior citizens to maintain and further improve their cognitive function and memory skills over time.
  10. Foster a proactive approach towards cognitive empowerment among senior citizens, encouraging them to prioritize cognitive training as a key component of their overall health and well-being.
  11. Inspire participants to recognize the importance of lifelong learning and mental stimulation in preserving cognitive vitality and memory prowess as they age, fostering a positive attitude towards brain health and empowerment.
  12. Empower senior citizens to embrace their cognitive potential and continue exploring new avenues for cognitive growth and development beyond the full-day training session, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and brain empowerment within the senior community in Brunei.

As we conclude the “Full-Day Brain Empowerment” course, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to all participating senior citizens for their dedication and enthusiasm towards enhancing their cognitive function and memory skills. Throughout this intensive session, you have explored a diverse range of memory enhancement techniques and cognitive exercises aimed at fortifying your mental acuity and memory retention abilities. We encourage you to incorporate these learned strategies into your daily routines, fostering a proactive approach towards cognitive health and well-being. Remember, the journey to brain empowerment is ongoing, and we encourage you to continue practicing and refining your cognitive skills beyond this course. Thank you for your participation, and we wish you continued success in maintaining your cognitive vitality and memory prowess.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: USD$511.94
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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