Our Memory Training Courses is available in Lima, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Iquitos, Cusco, Chimbote, Huancayo, Tacna, Juliaca, Ica, Sullana, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Pucallpa, Huánuco, Tarapoto, Puno, Tumbes, Talara, Huaraz, Huacho, Chincha Alta, Catacaos, Ilo, Juanjuí, Cerro de Pasco, Moyobamba, Jaén, and Nazca.

Welcome to the “Executive Memory Boost Intensive,” a comprehensive two-day program designed exclusively for corporate professionals in Peru who are eager to enhance their memory skills and cognitive capabilities at an executive level. This intensive workshop will immerse participants in an array of advanced memory techniques, strategies, and exercises tailored to the unique demands of leadership roles in the corporate world. Through interactive lectures, hands-on activities, and personalized coaching, attendees will embark on a transformative journey to unlock their full memory potential and optimize their effectiveness in decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic planning.


  1. Provide participants with a deep understanding of the neurobiology of memory and its relevance to executive functioning.
  2. Introduce advanced memory enhancement techniques such as mnemonic devices, memory palaces, and chunking strategies.
  3. Foster the development of executive-level memory skills, including rapid information processing, pattern recognition, and strategic memory retrieval.
  4. Explore the role of memory in critical thinking, creativity, and innovation within corporate settings.
  5. Teach participants how to effectively manage and prioritize information overload to improve memory retention and recall.
  6. Provide practical strategies for leveraging technology and digital tools to augment memory capacity and streamline information management.
  7. Cultivate mindfulness and attentional control techniques to enhance focus, concentration, and memory performance.
  8. Facilitate interactive exercises and group discussions to reinforce memory training concepts and encourage peer learning and collaboration.
  9. Offer guidance on incorporating memory techniques into daily workflows, meetings, presentations, and decision-making processes.
  10. Provide personalized feedback and coaching to help participants identify and address their individual memory challenges and goals.
  11. Empower participants to apply memory-enhancing strategies to various aspects of their professional lives, including leadership, communication, and team management.
  12. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and lifelong learning by instilling habits and routines conducive to ongoing memory enhancement.
  13. Equip participants with tools and resources for maintaining and expanding their memory skills beyond the workshop, including recommended readings and online courses.
  14. Provide insights into the connection between memory, emotional intelligence, and executive leadership effectiveness.
  15. Offer strategies for managing stress and cognitive load to optimize memory performance in high-pressure corporate environments.
  16. Encourage participants to develop a personalized action plan for integrating memory training principles into their professional development journey.

In conclusion, the “Executive Memory Boost Intensive” offers corporate professionals in Peru a comprehensive two-day experience aimed at elevating their memory skills and cognitive performance to an executive level. By mastering advanced memory techniques and strategies, participants can enhance their leadership effectiveness, make better-informed decisions, and drive organizational success. Join us for this transformative journey to unlock the full potential of your executive memory and take your professional performance to new heights.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: USD$660.34
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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