60 Minutes Speed Reading Training Course for High School Students: “High School Speed Boost: 1-Hour Speed Reading for Academic Excellence”

Welcome to the “High School Speed Boost: 1-Hour Speed Reading for Academic Excellence,” a dynamic training course tailored to empower high school students with essential speed reading skills. In just 60 minutes, participants will embark on a transformative journey to enhance their reading speed, comprehension, and efficiency. Led by experienced instructors passionate about student success, this course promises to equip participants with the tools they need to excel academically and beyond. Whether you’re preparing for exams, researching for assignments, or simply seeking to become a more proficient reader, this speed reading training offers invaluable techniques to help you achieve your goals.

Throughout this intensive 60-minute session, students will dive into the world of speed reading through engaging activities and practical exercises. From learning effective scanning and skimming techniques to mastering active reading strategies, participants will develop a comprehensive skill set to tackle various reading materials with confidence. Join us as we embark on this fast-paced journey of exploration and discovery, where every minute counts towards unlocking your full reading potential.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to turbocharge your reading skills and pave the way for academic success. With the “High School Speed Boost,” you’ll be equipped to conquer any reading challenge that comes your way!


  1. Speed Enhancement: Introduce students to techniques to increase their reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.

  2. Comprehension Improvement: Provide strategies to enhance reading comprehension while reading at an accelerated pace.

  3. Efficient Scanning and Skimming: Teach students how to scan and skim texts effectively to extract key information quickly.

  4. Active Reading Techniques: Develop skills for engaging actively with texts through annotation, summarization, and critical thinking.

  5. Time Management: Help students optimize their reading time by prioritizing tasks and allocating time effectively.

  6. Confidence Building: Boost students’ confidence in their reading abilities through positive reinforcement and practice.


As our High School Speed Boost session comes to a close, we celebrate the progress and achievements of each participant. With newfound speed reading skills, you are now equipped to tackle academic challenges with greater efficiency and confidence. Remember, the journey of mastering speed reading is ongoing. Practice regularly and continue to explore new techniques to further enhance your reading abilities. Whether you’re studying for exams, delving into new subjects, or simply enjoying a good book, speed reading skills will serve you well in all areas of life. Farewell for now, but remember that the door to continued growth and improvement is always open!

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$389.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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